A Growing Trend for Mothers and Daughters Creates Close Bonding

In 2012, a growing trend of mothers and daughters getting plastic surgery together was noted, as seen in this report by Huffington Post senior editor Ellie Krupnick:

Then there are mother-daughter pairs who undergo plastic surgery together, whether that be a Denver breast implants procedure or a botox injection. They are using the experience to bolster one another and come out feeling great at the same time.”Good Morning America” found a mother and daughter who could attest to the experience: 65-year-old Lynda and 38-year-old Stefanie, who went in for a neck tuck and cheek fillers (Lynda) and a breast lift and a tummy tuck (Stefanie).

Sound wild? It’s not as rare as you’d think. In 2005, the American Academy of Facial, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery reported a significant rise in the number of people getting surgery with a partner and we’ve seen it happen before our very eyes on “The Real Housewives of Orange County.”

To this day, mother-daughter bonding over plastic surgery continues. It is a trend that many women can understand and relate to, with a vast number of women interested in body contouring and similar procedures. After all, making the decision to undergo plastic surgery is not easy; and often, a candidate will be spending agonizing moments weighing the pros and the cons. Having someone close to her, like a mother or a daughter, as she goes through those moments, can ease the stress and provide her with the much needed emotional and moral support.

The needs of mothers and daughters may be different, particularly if they belong to widely separated age groups. However, they could have similar goals, too, considering that they share many of the same genes. Likewise, if their ages are similar to those of Lynda’s and Stefanie’s from Ms. Krupnick’s report, they may both want to go through rejuvenating procedures like a face lift.

A facelift is a surgical procedure that can remove signs of aging on the face, like sagging, creases, and wrinkles-conditions that start to afflict women in as early as their 30’s. To get quality face lift in Beverly Hills, one has to go to highly trained and reputable professionals like Dr. Davis Nguyen. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons does not list any minimum or maximum age for a face lift candidate, so any woman of good health can potentially get the treatment if she feels the need for it.

This makes a Beverly Hills facelift procedure safe for mothers and daughters who want to take years off their face, and go through the rejuvenating process together. When done with the right attitude, plastic surgery can be a great way to enhance a woman’s self-esteem, and doing it with a dearly loved relative can make the experience an even more fulfilling one.

(Source: Mother-Daughter Plastic Surgery: A Growing Trend?, Huffington Post, October 18, 2012)